Keeping Your Dog’s Ears Healthy
One of the most common reasons for dogs to be taken to visit their veterinarian is because of otitis externa (inflammation of the ear canal). Some dogs always seem to be prone to ear infections. Our dog, a pure bred Labrador Retriever, loves to swim and particularly in the summer months we have to watch for frequent issues with her ears. One sign that we know her ears are bothering her is the persistent shaking of her head. Other dogs will paw at their ears or rub back and forth on furniture or carpet.
Owners should check their dog’s ears on a regular basis. Examining their ears for dark debris indicates something is not right, and simply doing a “sniff” test for a smelly odor is a sure sign that an infection is present. Yeast overgrowth in the ear canal is a common problem. Removing yeast promoting foods such as grains and other simple carbohydrates can help. Also, looking for food sensitivities is important. A veterinarian can often run a blood test for allergies to better identify the problem. Often incorporating healthy dog food that is free of highly allergy stimulating foods such as corn, soy, wheat, and dairy will greatly help too.
Probiotics can be used in their diet to help replenish the good bacteria in the digestive system. Make sure you look for a canine friendly probiotic and not just use any probiotic off the health food store shelf. Probiotics help to bolster immunity and have been shown to decrease the potential for yeast overgrowth.
Make sure to clean your dog’s ears periodically by taking a soft cloth to wipe away ear debris. Also, trimming long hair in their ears can help too which is particularly important for dogs with floppy ears. Finally, you can purchase dog ear drying formulas which help to reduce the potential for inflammation and yeast overgrowth. These products are similar to a swimmer’s ear solution that are often available over-the-counter. Make sure any product you purchase is approved safe for animals.