Home Fitness Videos – A Great Way To Maintain Consistent Exercise

June 11, 2013 | By | Add a Comment

man working out at homeExercise has always been a part of my life. As a kid I loved to ride my bike, play football and basketball with my friends, and generally just be outside running around. As a teenager and young adult cycling was my thing. I could ride for hours and loved the freedom of doing so. As time went on I would periodically join various gyms to balance my workouts with weights, but I always found it difficult to make it to these places consistently. This became more of an issue as an adult and working erratic hours as a physician.

The same challenges I faced getting to a gym to work out has been quite common in my patient population as well. Friends and family members have struggled with consistent exercise too because of busy time constraints. Then a few years back my wife purchased a home workout video to see if we could vary our stagnant exercise routine. I was skeptical at first having seen home videos before that were either poorly produced or just boring. She promised that this program called P90X looked different. I agreed to give it shot and after the first few workouts I was convinced P90X was going to be a worthwhile program to pursue. 3 years later P90X is still part of my workout regimen. My extremity strength, core strength, cardiovascular fitness, and flexibility are the greatest they have ever been. My wife and I have incorporated other home exercise routines such as those seen in the Insanity series.

The key to these home videos is setting up a place in your home to do the exercises. This could be your garage, a spare bedroom, a loft, or even your family room. It really doesn’t matter where you do the exercises, but being consistent is critical. The nice thing about home exercise videos like P90X and Insanity is they do not require a lot of equipment, expensive gym memberships, time traveling to and from the gym, and a lengthy time commitment. Most of the videos are 40 to 50 minutes. In less than an hour you can get a great workout in the privacy of your own home and then move on with your day. The most important aspect though is hitting the play button to start the video.

I have encouraged many patients that I work with to consider these exercise videos and others. There is no doubt that my life has been improved by incorporating these home video exercise routines, and I am sure yours will be too.

Dr. Woeller (24 Posts)

Dr. Kurt Woeller is passionate about health. This includes physical, mental, and spiritual health, as well as financial well-being which makes all other three much easier to pursue. He is a physician dedicated to natural living and healing with an emphasis on fitness, nutrition and bringing more joy to yourself and others as the keystone to a Long Full Life. To learn more about Dr. Woeller visit www.Dr.Woeller.com.

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